Ani Di Franco Documentary Set to Premier at 202...
Exciting news: there's an Ani DiFranco documentary! It's called 1-800-ON-HER-OWN and it's premiering at @Tribeca Film Festival in NYC June 10th! Followed by a special post-screening musical performance by Ani! Get tickets...
Ani Di Franco Documentary Set to Premier at 202...
Exciting news: there's an Ani DiFranco documentary! It's called 1-800-ON-HER-OWN and it's premiering at @Tribeca Film Festival in NYC June 10th! Followed by a special post-screening musical performance by Ani! Get tickets...
Ruth Theodore Releases New Album I Am I Am
Ruth Theodore’s latest album ‘I Am I Am’ is out today! Co-produced by Todd Sickafoose, with ‘I Am I Am’ Theodore channels the momentum that built around her last album...
Ruth Theodore Releases New Album I Am I Am
Ruth Theodore’s latest album ‘I Am I Am’ is out today! Co-produced by Todd Sickafoose, with ‘I Am I Am’ Theodore channels the momentum that built around her last album...
Kristen Ford Releases New Single "Here's To You...
Kristen Ford's new single "Here's To You Kid" featuring Ani DiFranco is out today on Righteous Babe Records! Listen here. Kristen Ford reflects on the making of her newest release “Here’s...
Kristen Ford Releases New Single "Here's To You...
Kristen Ford's new single "Here's To You Kid" featuring Ani DiFranco is out today on Righteous Babe Records! Listen here. Kristen Ford reflects on the making of her newest release “Here’s...
Ani DiFranco Releases New Single "You Forgot to...
this song is dedicated to all those out there doing the hard work of speaking up. –ani Today, Ani DiFranco releases the latest single “You Forgot to Speak” from...
Ani DiFranco Releases New Single "You Forgot to...
this song is dedicated to all those out there doing the hard work of speaking up. –ani Today, Ani DiFranco releases the latest single “You Forgot to Speak” from...
New Lyric Video for Ani DiFranco's Single "New ...
"here’s a video i made for new bible. welcome to the lake in canada!" - ani Watch the lyric video for Ani DiFranco's new single "New Bible," from the double...
New Lyric Video for Ani DiFranco's Single "New ...
"here’s a video i made for new bible. welcome to the lake in canada!" - ani Watch the lyric video for Ani DiFranco's new single "New Bible," from the double...
Ruth Theodore's "Barbed Wire Fence" Single and ...
Ruth Theodore today shares the rousing new single “Barbed Wire Fence”, a whimsical and rebellious anthem that celebrates queer love, freedom, and defiance. Stream "Barbed Wire Fence" and watch the...
Ruth Theodore's "Barbed Wire Fence" Single and ...
Ruth Theodore today shares the rousing new single “Barbed Wire Fence”, a whimsical and rebellious anthem that celebrates queer love, freedom, and defiance. Stream "Barbed Wire Fence" and watch the...